8 Tips for Better Sleep

Quality sleep is absolutely crucial for optimal performance and feeling our best. Lack of adequate rest each night has been linked to obesity, impaired digestion, mental health problems, irritability, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and more. We all know 8 hours of shut-eye is ideal, but with our busy schedules and endless responsibilities, 8 hours can feel impossible. Here are 8 strategies for 8 glorious hours of sleep!

  1. Determine your optimal bedtime. Start with the time you need to wake up in the morning and work backwards 8 hours. This is bedtime.

  2. Do not consume food, alcohol, or caloric beverages 2-3 hours before bedtime. Caffeine-free tea and water are just fine!

  3. Let your body know sleep is coming. Two hours before bedtime, begin to dimming the lights in your home and wearing blue-light blocking glasses if you are looking at a screen. The dimness sends a message to your brain to begin producing melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Blue-light blocking glasses help with this as well, so that the stimulating light from screens does not suppress melatonin production.

  4. Turn off all the screens at least one hour before bedtime. (computer, tablet, TV, phone, etc.) “But what am I supposed to do?!” you ask! That takes us to number 5…

  5. Begin your Nighttime Ritual. This is a specific set of activities that you will do at the same time, in the same order, every night. The key is to make it short enough that it is doable. For example, each night as I am nearing my bedtime, I wash my face, change into some pj’s, think about what went well that day (positive affirmations), practice gratitude, and read for at least 10 minutes. I try to choose something that won’t get my mind going too much, but rather is calming and/or a little dense. Remember, the purpose is to relax!

  6. Check your environment to be sure it is conducive to sleep. This means keeping the bedroom at a cool temperature, closing the curtains so the room stays dark, perhaps turning on a sound machine or white noise app, and making sure your phone, if it’s in your bedroom, is set to “Do Not Disturb.” If you have a large dog that snores, like I do, you may want to kick him out at this time, too. Same goes for a snoring spouse….just kidding….not really..!

  7. If you find you are lying in bed awake for more than 30 minutes, get up. You are trying to train your brain and body to associate the bed with sleep, so if you are not able to sleep, you must leave the bed. Go sit in a chair and read a dull book until you feel sleepy, then get back into bed.

  8. Consistency is key! It is so important to have the same bedtime and wake-time each day. This will set your circadian rhythms and ultimately make falling asleep and waking up very easy. And remember- prioritizing sleep is the ultimate foundation for


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