Get Out of a Rut and Decide Your Next Move With Confidence

A Group Coaching Experience Fueled by the Power of Community, Connection, and SUBTRACTION.

Hey there…

I invite you to consider your answers to these questions:

Do you identify as an ambitious, high-achieving professional who cares deeply for others- like your family, students, patients, clients, employees, or neighbors?

Do you feel overwhelmed by personal responsibilities and stuck in an exhausting career that looks good on paper but leaves you unfulfilled?

Have you tried to “fix” your burnout with “all the things”- morning routines, meditations, and movement; self-care, self-help, and self-sabotage- only to find minimal relief?

If you answered “yes” to any of these… then I’d love to share an innovative approach to reignite your zest for life and restore emotional well-being.


A New Path to Total Wellness and Burnout Recovery.

Discover a three-part framework and self-care by subtraction methodology that will restore your mental and emotional well-being, improve your resilience, and guide you to find fulfillment in your career and personal life. You’ll be able to easily create space for what truly matters most- your health, happiness, and relationships.

Get out of a Burnout Rut & Move Forward with Confidence!

Through my evidence-based coach approach, resources and tools, you will >>>

Enjoy a Rapid Transformation as you move from a state of burnout to a renewed sense of balance in just 6 weeks.

Unlock Your Future: Identify your “ikigai”- the secret to living a long and satisfying life- and create a custom road map for the journey.

Cultivate Purposeful Living: Appreciate simple yet meaningful daily experiences, replace exhaustion with excitement, and shift into a life of abundance.

Foster Sustainable Success: Integrate nourishing strategies like self-compassion, the 2% rule, and self-care by subtraction for resilience in navigating challenges and sustaining long-term success.

This transformative program is for you if >>>

  • You’re driven by ambition, yet find yourself struggling to find a healthy balance between your career, family responsibilities, and personal needs.

  • You feel like you’re carrying an invisible mental weight everywhere you go.

  • You have a hard time shutting your brain off and feel like you always have to be “on.”

  • You’re stuck in a cycle of people pleasing, putting yourself last, and burning out.

  • You want to communicate boundaries more efficiently, without coming across as rude or beating yourself up about it.

  • You’re so busy that you have little time for yourself, and feel guilty about indulging in self-care.

  • You want a better work-life balance so you can be more present with friends and family.

  • You care about your wellbeing and want to commit to your health, but don’t know where to start.

  • You know that the road to health, happiness, and balance isn’t straight- it’s windy- but you are committed, coachable, and ready to accept support.

  • You believe in the value of working with a qualified and experienced expert.

  • You are a smart, strong, busy individual who is ready to prioritize YOU.

What’s Included?


The 7 week group program is value-packed with professional guidance, evidence-based resources, and community support along your journey.

Start your journey

1. Live Group Coaching Sessions

Join us for weekly, ongoing connection with a group of like-minded women with similar life experiences. These group sessions provide a safe and supportive space to get coached, stay accountable, work through any barriers, brainstorm creative solutions, and celebrate successes to help move you forward.

2. Community Connection

The group dynamic is such an important component of this program because it provides the community support that is lacking in all other traditional programs, yet is necessary for success. The invisible mental weight we carry as women can feel incredibly isolating, yet just knowing you’re not alone in this journey has a powerfully transformative effect.

3. Weekly Resources with Specific Actions to Implement Right Away

Brief, easy-to-consume lessons and corresponding action tasks provide step-by-step guidance to unlock your future, cultivate a purposeful life, and foster sustainable success. Enjoy a rapid transformation as you move from a state of burnout to a renewed sense of balance in just 7 weeks.

BONUS 1: Access to a 24/7 supportive community.

In this VIP online community for group members only, you will have access to additional support and even more resources. Here you can further connect with fellow group members, ask questions, and get answers outside of the coaching sessions. This is also where you can track progress and celebrate wins, so you don’t quit until you see results!

BONUS 2: One private, focused coaching session. You choose the topic. Examples include:

  • How to communicate with your partner in a way that will be positively received.

  • How to avoid feeling guilty for making time for yourself.

  • How to commit to your dreams and detail the exact steps to get there.

BONUS 3: Exclusive discounts on additional services and packages.

  • Maximize your investment in self-improvement with special pricing on future coaching packages, allowing you to continue your personal development journey without breaking the bank.

  • Be the first to access new offerings, such as digital courses or wellness travel planning services, to further elevate your well-being.

Meet Your Coach…

Hi! I’m Amy Schamberg, a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Functional Medicine Health Coach, and School Psychologist.

After 13 years in the public education and mental health fields, I’ve identified a recurring theme: Hard-working, ambitious, high-achievers who care deeply for others continue to find themselves teetering on the edge of burnout. Does this sound familiar? 

  • You’re exhausted all the time, yet feel like you always have to be “on”.

  • You have trouble telling one day from the next.

  • You feel like nothing you do is appreciated.

  • You feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle and can never get ahead.

  • Your efficiency and performance in your career is dropping.

  • You’re having trouble concentrating and feel disconnected from your work;

  • You’ve become cynical or complacent, and can’t find the positive or humor in situations.

I’ve been where you are and I get it. I had to overcome my own debilitating burnout- not once, but twice- to get to where I am today. And because I got here, because I figured it out, my passion has become helping others do the same.

Burnout is a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged, unmanaged, chronic stress. Although the World Health Organization categorizes burnout as an “occupational phenomenon,” its manifestations can extend beyond the workplace, permeating other areas of life such as parenting, caretaking, or relationships.

Gaining confidence in setting boundaries with myself and others, training myself to tolerate discomfort, and recognizing my unhelpful habits were just some of the skills I had to learn in order to finally achieve more freedom, balance, and ease. I had to redefine and simplify self-care, and learn what I needed to subtract in order to move forward.

And here’s the great news: When you’re able to recognize the thoughts, habits, and beliefs that are no longer serving you, release those unhelpful patterns, and replace them with fresh strategies that are kind and supportive to your well-being … you’ll reconnect with your passions and purpose, your zest for life will skyrocket, your relationships will improve, and you’ll finally start thriving beyond burnout.

Ready to elevate your well-being & embrace a purposeful life?