How Many Calories Burned Daily Through NEAT?

You know that exercise is part of any healthy weight loss program, but how many calories burned daily through NEAT may be more beneficial than you think. 

What is NEAT? NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, is how many calories burned daily through non-exercise physical movements, such as walking up and down the stairs, cleaning your house, or walking around a shopping mall. 

Most people overlook the calorie burn daily from NEAT. However, NEAT may often account for most of your daily calorie burn. Read below to learn more about NEAT and why it matters. 

Calories Burned Through NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis)

Your body burns calories, or stored energy, for fuel. Everything you do requires energy consumption from walking, talking, and even thinking. Your basic energy needs for sustaining life is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR)

BMR is how many calories burned daily just to keep your organs functioning and you breathing. Any other physical activity that's non-exercise related is NEAT. 

So, how many calories burned daily through NEAT? While the exact calories burned daily will vary from person-to-person, a 150 pound person can expect to burn the following calories for the following activities:

  • Vacuuming (30 minutes): 119 calories

  • Grocery shopping (30 minutes): 119 calories

  • Light gardening/ yard work (60 minutes): 204 calories

  • Playing with animals while standing (30 minutes): 95 calories

  • House cleaning (60 minutes): 204 calories

Why Does Calorie Burn Daily From NEAT Matter?

Exercise is important for weight loss and part of a healthy lifestyle but it's not always possible to squeeze in a gym session on busy days. Increasing your NEAT on these days will not only help increase your calorie burn daily but is beneficial for your overall health. 

Any kind of movement or exercise is good for you. Cleaning your house or rough housing with your pooch gets you up and moving, which in turn stimulates blood flow and burns more energy than sitting on the couch. 

Should you skip your daily gym sessions and head to the shopping mall instead? Probably not, but NEAT activities can complement your exercise routine and be a great help for weight maintenance. 

How Can You Increase How Many Calories Burned Daily Through NEAT?

You can increase how many calories burned daily through NEAT by making a point to increase your daily activities. Instead of coming home from work and lounging on the couch for two hours scrolling through your social media feeds, go for a walk around the block. 

Other ways to get in more NEAT activity could include:

  • Pacing back and forth while chatting on the phone

  • Parking farther away from the store in the parking lot

  • Doing more chores around the house

  • Washing your car

  • Playing with your pet or children

The Takeaway

NEAT activities are a great way to complement your exercise routine and can help with your weight loss efforts. How many calories burned daily through NEAT will depend on your individual factors, but everyone can benefit from a little boost in their metabolism. 

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