Improving Your Body Image: How Positive Body Image Affirmations & a Coach Can Help

Your body image is directly correlated to your happiness and sense of self-worth. A negative body image can impact your health in more ways than one. What does a holistic health and mindset coach do to improve your body image, and can body image affirmations help?

Keep reading to learn more about how holistic coaching and positive body affirmations can help you improve your body image and help you feel healthier and happier. 

How Positive Affirmations Can Improve Body Image

Your body image describes how you feel about your outward appearance and is largely affected by inward thoughts and feelings. Women in helping professions with busy lifestyles balancing work and caretaking are often at risk for a negative body image.

A poor diet or neglect of self-care add up overtime. You may notice your clothes not fitting as well as they used to, or curves in places you never had before. You may feel self-conscious about these changes and hold a negative view of yourself and your body image. 

These intrusive thoughts are hard to escape and only add to your general unhappiness with yourself and your body image. Positive body image affirmations help you retrain your inner dialogue to overcome negative self-talk

When you can overcome your negative self-talk, your view of yourself changes. These positive inner changes can lead to healthier lifestyle choices, more energy and motivation, and eventually, physical changes.

Positive Body Image Affirmations Examples:

Below are examples of positive body image affirmations for improving body image:

"I love my body and what it does for me every day."

"My body is allowed to change and serves me well at every size."

"I'm allowed to feel beautiful at any weight."

"I treat my body with kindness and love because I appreciate what it does for me."

"My body is ever changing and adapting, I am a work in progress."

Recite these body image affirmations (or whichever body image affirmations work best for you) out loud to yourself every day. Any time you have a negative thought about your body, replace it with a positive affirmation. 

Over time, you can retrain your brain to think positively about your body image instead of negatively. 

How can a Holistic Health & Mindset Coach Improve Your Body Image?

A holistic health and mindset coach can help you devise strategies for improving both your overall health and body image. Holistic health and mindset coaching will teach you tools for overcoming negative self-talk and changing your inner dialogue. 

As a certified health coach, I will also help you with an eating and exercise plan to heal your body from the inside out. My holistic program does not include a rigorous fitness program or restrictive diet plan.

Instead, I focus on helping you implement daily habits (like increasing NEAT) to feel great in your body, and simple meal plans designed to meet your personal health goals. 

Book a Free Session Today!

What does a holistic health and mindset coach do? Book a free holistic health strategy session with me today to find out how I can help you improve your body image and reach your health goals.

Body image is difficult for millions of women, you're not alone in your struggle. Help is available and change is possible. Reach out today and let's get started!


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